Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Observation Two

During my observation for this week, the Writing Center was especially crowded giving me the opportunity to see the tutor manage two students at once. One student had a research paper to complete and the other needed assistance with a British Literature piece. The tutor worked with one student at a time and read their entire paper aloud. This technique worked well as each student recognized minor grammatical mistakes on their own as the tutor read their work. In addition, the tutor also requested clarity on the assignment from the student, making sure that the student was accurately completing what was requested. The tutor made certain to focus on higher order concerns (HOCs) prior to focusing on the lower order concerns (LOCs). Also, there was a good amount of positive feedback and constructive criticism given to each student. The tutor expertly made each student feel comfortable and secure about their work.

I enjoy observing different tutors to get a variety of tools to use when it is my turn to work with students.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Observation One

The Writing Center is available to assist students in becoming better, more efficient writers. There are several tutors available giving students the opportunity to have an hour long session with a writing professional. As part of my Teaching Writing course, we are required to observe the tutoring sessions because eventually, we will be tutoring students.
My observation was a great experience. The tutor was very relaxed and personable, making the student feel comfortable. The student was very well-prepared and had hand- written a draft of the assignment that is due next week. The tutor began the session by asking the student to explain the assignment to make sure the student was clear on the objective of the essay. After the objective of the assignment was clearly determined, the tutor read the essay. When the tutor discussed the written work with the student, there was a primary focus on the content and questions were asked to gain clarity on some of the things the student discussed during the essay.
The tutor made sure to give praise when necessary but did not cheerlead. Although the essay had some grammatical errors, the tutor did not focus on them until the structure of the essay, including the thesis was properly stated. When the tutor began to correct the grammatical errors, special attention was given to helping the student learn to correct any grammatical errors independently. The tutor even took the time to create a list that the student could use as a point of reference when editing the piece.
I thought the session was a success and I look forward to observing another tutor in the near future.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tutoring Observation Expectations

During the tutoring observation, I expect to encounter a student that is frantically trying to seek help for a difficult assignment. The student will come to the tutor hoping that he/she will be able to provide some insight as to what the student should write and how to format the paper. When the tutor does not directly give the student all of the answers and expects the student to have some ideas of their own, I suspect that the student will become aggravated with the tutor.

The properly trained tutor will quickly remind the student that the tutoring service to available to assist the student in creating a thesis and paper formation, not do it for them. The tutor will also remind the student that the goal is to help the student become an independent thinker so that eventually they will be able to create and format a paper independently.

By the end of the session, I believe the student will have a more comprehensive understanding of the tutoring process and will be more prepared with their own ideas for any subsequent sessions they will have with a writing tutor.